Gold Rush Alaska Spoiler Do They Find Gold Season 2

Mining Equipment Like This Ain't Cheap

A Dredge on a Claim Is Indication of Big Gold on Virgin Ground

I don’t pretend to be an insider spoiler but in Gold Rush Alaska Season 2 there have been a a lot of people wondering “Do they find gold in season 2?” We’ve had to wait months while watching episode after episode of futility from the Alaskan miners however we’ll finally get an answer this week. I think we’ve seen the answer though – so if you don’t want a spoiler in your midst – stop reading. If you want to see what evidence I’ve deduced, read on.

Big Nugget Mines Face Legal Battle in Spoiler

The teasers we have seen so far indicate that the youngster Parker Schnabel and his grandfather John face some legal obstacles with their operation at the Big Nugget. On the other hand we learn from the spoiler that it is some sort of safety related violations – which usually can be addressed. It is unclear from the Discovery Channel preview whether the mine continues to run – however there is some evidence that the Big Nugget mine will be around for another season with Parker involved.

How do we know this?

We know this based on the interview Parker and his mom gave as part of the “Aftershow” interview ran in place of any actual episodes on December 30th. What’s the evidence? Parker has suggested he intends to mine during the summer and attend college in the winter. His quote was something along the lines of, “I’m going to be one of those 28 year old college graduates,” – which he said with his usual wry smile and a chuckle.

More importantly… his mom didn’t say “No you aren’t!”

What does that mean for Parker’s 2011 campaign? Well for one it means he either found some source of gold or money to stay afloat for another season. Given the amount of gold in his pan at the end of the most recent episode January 6th, I’m thinking he found enough to stick around.

Dakota Fred and Porcupine Creek Claim Shut Down Also

The Porcupine Creek claim also ends up getting shut down, presumably for safety violations as well, but I for one am not worried about Dakota Fred. That guy could find gold in my backyard, I’m sure of it (but please don’t start digging, ok?). Fred was already on the gold when we last viewed the Dakota boys last Friday. Did we learn anything else in the Discovery Channel season 2 spoiler? Not really. The best information we have vis a vis a conclusion to Fred’s season was (again) the Aftershow episode aired December 30th. Fred was coy in interviews but given his willingness to share sadness emotions on site and the lack of distress in his face in the interview I read his season ended up successfully – if only modestly. Mark my words, Dakota Fred will find gold – somewhere.

What You’ve Been Waiting For: Hoffmans Gold Rush Alaska Spoiler Season 2

What people really want to know is whether the Hoffman crew will finally find gold in season 2. Here’s your spoiler: I believe the answer to the question, “Do they find gold season 2” is…

…an overwhelming yes. There is so much gold in the area they are mining it is PLAINLY VISIBLE under their feet on the ground where they are walking. Given we have watched the “magic” of seeing significant amounts of gold appear in a pan or sifting table from indiscernable black dirt – seeing gold in plain sight under-foot means they are on the gold in a big big way. It stands to reason after all, doesn’t it? Years ago a HUGE and expensive dredge was run into the ground up at Quartz Creek. You don’t run machinery like that on poor dirt.

We still have plenty of drama left to go in our favorite show, “Gold Rush Alaska Season 2” – but I think it’s pretty safe to say that all three mines are both on the gold and in or near the black in terms of profitability. I think they will find gold.

What do you think?

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  1. #1 by web publicity with onefineham at February 24th, 2012

    Final tallies for 2011 season:
    Hoffmans’ 93.5 oz
    Dakota Fred 80.4 oz
    Schnabel 34 +/- (found another 1/2 oz in the test dirt Smith Creek).

    Both Dakota Fred and the Hoffmans are going home feeling like they still had work left to do on their best dirt. Look forward to seeing them next season, Tv lords willing lol.

    Parker (with the support of his Grandfather) is in the game for next season, though the upfront costs will be steep. We’re all pulling for ya, Parker.

  2. #2 by web publicity with onefineham at February 20th, 2012

    So another episode has come and gone. The Hoffmans are up to 81.5 ounces, but look to have trouble ahead as the season wraps up – and they continue to bungle away their gold findings. Still no progress for Big Nugget on Smith Creek.

    Dakota Fred at Porcupine Creek had a small setback with equipment damage and crew fatigue. I believe he’s at over 70 (74 comes to mind) ounces going into the last episode of the season.

  3. #3 by web publicity with onefineham at February 10th, 2012

    Psyched to see the Hoffman crew get that double digit cleanout – 15 ounces.

    Crew total now up to 70. They’re well within striking distance of hitting their goal with a couple weeks to go.

    Fred up to 57 ounces +/-. I didn’t catch that last cleanout total, but they were definitely on good stuff when the had to re-jigger their operation. Anyone else get it?

    Better still, Parker Schnabel is back in the game. Working after school. Go Parker!

  4. #4 by web publicity with onefineham at February 3rd, 2012

    So as of this episode they picked up another nearly 7 ounces bringing them up to about 44-45 ounces out of the last dregs of cut 1. Now they’re on to running cut two while trying like heck to open a third cut.

    Greg Remsburg is back. That’s good news, it wasn’t in his best interests to leave but sometimes you just have to find out the hard way that you have no alternatives.

    We finally saw the results of John Schnabel’s heart attack, and salty old boot that he is he was back out of the hospital in a couple of days after surgery. Stay home, John, infections are your worst enemy now bud. But given this is round 3 in the ICU, he probably already has that figured out.

    …oh, and fwiw, Dakota Fred is cleaning up. He’s just over break-even at this point.

  5. #5 by web publicity with onefineham at January 27th, 2012

    Well looks like they’re up to a solid 38 ounces and they got 9.75 last cleanout… hopefully they’ll churn a little more out of the bedrock.

  6. #6 by nashville business directory at January 26th, 2012

    some other equipment is going to break and someone will end up leaving… wont get 10 ounces

  7. #7 by Affiliate Marketing at January 18th, 2012

    So it’s pretty clear in the previews that the Hoffman’s find gold (Cleanout 28 ounces) which at a minimum should put their total find at around 42 ounces worth $67000 if my math is right. That’s pretty far short of their goal of 100 ounces and I have to believe the pressure this week is going to build something fierce.
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