Posts Tagged executive background checks

Check Applicant Work History – Lying Is a Sign of the Need for Greed

I’ve found it a must to check applicant work history when reviewing my top candidates for an open position within the company. The bottom line is that the need for greed amongst some applicants is so high that inevitably they’ll fabricate entire sections of resumes in order to try to dupe you into hiring them. They figure (and rightly so honestly) that they don’t have to know everything about the job they’re going for – they just need to know more than you.

So don’t let them know more than you!

When I’m filling a maintenance position I do not go down to the department and study every wrench in the toolbox. I’m not a mechanic and I’m not all that big on grease. On the other hand what I DO know is that if someone was hired to do a mechanic’s job at a manufacturing plant his job title probably would not include the title “Janitor” or “Custodial Engineer”. So I check applicant work history. Many times just the threat of such a background check will make (bad or suspect) applicants simply evaporate.

Some try me anyway but I always catch them. I figure my job is to give the department manager a selection of candidates to choose from that meet the minimum qualifications he or she provided. If that slate of candidates doesn’t fill the position I drop down a rung and see who is left. I NEVER send the fraudulent resumes to the hiring manager. Those get returned with a copy of the results of my check applicant work history search and a canned (but polite) rejection letter. In truth they really don’t deserve it but I’m still representing my company when I write to applicants, so I play nice.

This is especially true in the case of doing executive background checks. I still dislike the liars, but sometimes these same frauds end up in executive positions elsewhere – and believe me once in a position of power those folks willing to lie to get a job can be equally ruthless in keeping it. So I make sure to play nice, even when they don’t.

Read more about checking applicant work history and employment background checks in general:
Executive Background Checks and the Employment History Background Check – Do It, Do It, Do It!
Pre-Employment Criminal Background Check Companies – They’ll Save Your Bacon

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