Posts Tagged wealthy affiliate forums

Wealthy Affiliate Forums | A Marketing Education Treasure Trove

The Wealthy Affiliate forums helped me find the success and happiness I wanted from life

Inside the Wealthy Affiliate Forums members have the ability to do customized searches on any topic they may have a question on. Given the thousands of currently active members on Wealthy Affiliate one can imagine that virtually any question they might ask has already been asked (and answered) by several more experienced members.

A Who’s Who of the Wealthy Affiliate Forums

Reading the list of top posters within the Wealthy Affiliate Forums is literally a “Who’s Who of Internet Marketing.” I can only think of a few truly successful internet marketing professionals who AREN’T members of the Wealthy Affiliate forums – and in most cases those outside super affiliates have their own forums to promote – or don’t care to join WA in order to help others. By the way, those few super affiliates that don’t belong to WA tend to charge THOUSANDS of dollars for their (suspect) guidance, rather than the scant few bucks a month WA charges for membership – and the guidance and learning experiences of THOUSANDS of members. So which is better:

Thousands of Dollars for One Program


Thousands of MEMBERS’ experiences to draw from

…Seems like an easy pick for me, but then again I have working to become a wealthy affiliate for several years now in my spare time. I can report I have done quite nicely and while the rest of the economy has tanked I managed to tread water without having to dip into savings or go deeper into debt (read more about turning debt into wealth). I doubt there are too many people can say that today given what we’ve been through the last couple of years.

Read the Wealthy Affiliate Forum on

I have quite a lot of stuff out there on the web with regard to internet marketing in general, which affiliate programs are good to promote, etc. and it isn’t always easy to keep track of it all. What readers can do is read the Wealthy Affiliate forum on where I will put plenty of links out to all the resources I have built and put out on the web for readers.

Articles, information, and affiliate programs can be a trifle overwhelming for beginning internet marketers, which is why the founders of the Wealthy Affiliate forums took the time to create a free internet marketing course designed for people who a.) have no money, and b.) have no experience. You can use the sign up box here to get your free internet marketing course (get our free internet marketing for beginners tips guide) with no obligation. It’s served up via email over a 10 email series which comes in manageable bites over a couple of weeks.

Access to the Wealthy Affiliate Forum

Unfortunately access to the Wealthy Affiliate forum is only available to members, but the nice thing about the free course offered by WA is that its contents have been refined after years of questions from noobs in the forum. Another great thing about the course is that it’s free to use for as long as you need it. You can keep going back to it as often as necessary, and feel free to pose your questions in the forum here.

I have had, and continue to have, both a great deal of fun and success making money online. I have to thank much of my success to the members of the Wealthy Affiliate forums – who have answered so many of my questions.

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No Comments updated January 26, 2015