Posts Tagged website startup

Website Startup Costs Nothing If You Know Where to Start

Free Website Startup and Training

Can You Reach the World with Your Website Idea for Free?

​Many people who have seen the money being made online have wondered what website startup costs would be. The honest-to-God truth is that there are no startup costs if you know where to start.

Misconceptions Deceive Would-Be Entrepreneurs

There are many misconceptions about owning or beginning an online business in 2014. The first and foremost of these deceptions is that there must be some sort of cost associated with “getting a website up.” The truth is there are literally hundreds of places to start a website without any costs whatsoever. With an internet connection and as little as a smartphone or tablet you could be working on the web.

No smartphone or tablet? No problem! If your local library has computers and an internet connection you have all you need – and you don’t have to pay a dime.

What About the Costs of Starting a Business Online?

Again, the beauty of beginning a business on the web is that nearly any (non-adult) business can be started on the web with a minimally functional computing device and an internet connection. No special tools, equipment, or even special skills are necessary (tho’ some or all of these 10 internet skills very likely will come in handy). Obviously an existing brick and mortar company wishing to extend their brand online would likely end up spending some cash up front to secure a domain and hire someone to make a professional site – but the average Joe out there looking to try out a bunch of different ideas doesn’t need to spend that kind of money – there’s just no reason for it.

Don’t I Need at Least Some Training Start a Website?

The short answer is yes, you do. But do you need to spend even one dime to get the training you need to get a website up and have an actual business online? Nope! While there are literally hundreds of different training books and manuals about putting a business up on the web, anyone reading this text could literally click this link and have a website of their own up and ready to begin working on in 30 minutes. Better still, following the link above (or see comparison chart below), starting a website here gives you the exact (free) training you need to make a real, unique, business which will allow you to add value to your future customers and (as a result) produce profits for yourself.

Comparing Web Business Training Courses

Consider the chart below, where we compare two of my absolute favorite online business courses – Free Wealthy Affiliate Online Entrepreneur Certification Level 1 versus Premium WordPress Goldmine. Both courses teach slightly different techniques, and both offer excellent long-term value to students. But – just look at the difference in what you get between the two systems: you get vastly more value from the free course than you do from the premium one! Odd but true – that’s just the way it is. Come meet me inside and we’ll start your new website together for free.

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